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Eco logistics


Transporting products and the raw materials and components used to manufacture them is one of the Group's sources of greenhouse gas emissions. 

The Group is committed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions linked to the transport of products and components by 10% per product sold (ref. 2016).
To reduce its emissions, the Group is focusing its efforts in five areas(detailed below):

  • Improving the loading rate of transport units (trucks or sea containers) ;
  • Reducing the void rate in packaging;
  • Reduction in distances travelled (direct deliveries);
  • Development of modes of transport other than road (waterways, rail) and use of alternative fuels;
  • Responsible purchasing (through the selection of transporters).


To reduce CO2 emissions from the transportation of products and components, the Group is continuing to improve the loading rate of transport units. It makes particular use of the EffyPACK process (for PACKaging system for supply chain EFFiciencY) and the PackSoft software that improves palletization. In 2019, it began using a new tool which, among other things, makes it possible to fill the same container with products corresponding to different references, orders and suppliers. This means greater flexibility to better adjust to the order levels of the sales subsidiaries, while guaranteeing maximum loading of the container.


The Group is also striving to reduce the amount of empty space in its packaging as much as possible. Transporting less empty space means emitting less CO2 and reducing costs. Since 2017, this parameter has been integrated into the product design/development process and the teams involved (R&D, Marketing, Quality...).

visuel ventilateur arno

The eco-logistics unit has developed a tool for estimating the economic (expenditure in euros avoided) and ecological (kg of CO2 avoided) gains obtained by optimising product design to minimise the void rate in packaging. She tested it with several teams and showed that a minor change could have a major impact, even without modifying the design of the product.

For example, in the case of the Ultra Silence Force (Arno) table-top fan launched in 2020, the simple fact of separating the fan head, handle and base at the time of packaging (which is easy for the consumer to reassemble) means that the various components of the product can be better organised. The result is a 30% reduction in packaging volume and vacuum rate, and therefore an increase in the number of products per pallet, with a double environmental and economic gain.


The Group is also optimising the organisation of transport flows to reduce the distances travelled. 
For example, it favours direct deliveries to European customers from France, either from the factories or from its Mions platform, without passing through the subsidiaries' depots. Similarly, wherever possible, containers arriving at Le Havre are sent directly to French distributors without passing through the Group's logistics platforms.

transport maritime


The Group also encourages the search for transport solutions with less environmental impact. For long-haul shipments, mainly from China, sea transport emits the least CO2 and is the least expensive. What's more, it is improving with the use of new, more efficient container ships: in 15 years, they have reduced CO2 emissions per ton transported by 50%.

train ecologistique

In other cases (pre- and post-shipments to and from ports, transport between the Group's plants and its platforms or subsidiaries), the Group is striving to develop alternatives to road transport: rail and waterways, mainly in Europe. This approach is also being applied outside Europe, as in Mexico: in 2021, 53% of containers arriving at the port of Lazaro Cardenas were transported by train to the subsidiary's logistics platform. Globally, 11.3% of the overland flow of containers (to and from ports) was carried by train or barge in 2021.

When urgent supplies of components are needed, the Group prefers to use trains rather than planes as much as possible, particularly between China and Europe, however, since February 2022, the armed conflict in Ukraine has forced the Group to suspend this solution.