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Thierry de La Tour d’Artaise receives the Award for Best Investor Relations by a CEO

Thierry de La Tour d’Artaise received the Award for Best Investor Relations by a CEO on December 5 as part of the IR Forum, the annual event in France for professionals in investor relations organized under the sponsorship of Euronext, SFAF, AFG, CLIFF, Middlenext and IFA.

The evening kicked off with a debate on new issues in technology, geography and the environment impacting companies today, in which Isabelle Posth, Vice President, Financial Communications and Investor Relations, took part.

The event continued with the awards ceremony. Though not on hand to pick up his prize, Thierry de la Tour d’Artaise commented on the award:

It is the sixth time in nine editions that Groupe SEB Financial Communications and Investor Relations has received an award, following the Gold prize in 2009 and 2015 and Silver in 2010, 2012 and 2013.

Read the press release

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