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Inclusive-design products

Simplify the use of our products through a more ergonomic design

As well as permanent disabilities, anyone, at any time of their life, might experience limited sensory, physical or cognitive ability, due to injury, illness or old age. Certain situations may also create constraints, such as a young child in arms. Whether temporary or permanent, disability can affect the sense of touch, sight, hearing, taste or speech. As part of its commitment to making its products accessible to as many people as possible, in 2018 the Group began the process of raising the inclusiveness of all its products.

Good Design Playbook: a guide to good design practices.

The Good Design Playbook is a guide to good design practices for products and services accessible to all. Its challenge is to improve the daily lives of people with disabilities or in a situation of loss of autonomy in the use of everyday life. This guide has been developed and tested based on a case study and a practice essential to all: cooking.

couverture good design playbook

The production of the Good Design Playbook was carried out using an inclusive approach, drawing on the knowledge and experience of people with disabilities included in each phase of the project. This approach can be rolled out, adapted and tested in other sectors: the design of products, services, spaces, digital interfaces, etc.

The objective of the Good Design Playbook is to present analyzes, recommendations and design methods that can be enriched and fed by others.

The design of the Good Design Playbook was carried out jointly by APF France Handicap and Groupe SEB, with the support of the Caisse Nationale de Solidarité pour l'Autonomie. It took place over a 12-month period between 2019 and 2020.



Gamme includeo

Breakfast is by definition the first convivial meeting of the French in the kitchen. But for seniors and people with disabilities, it is often also the only meal prepared alone, while lunch and dinner can be prepared by caregivers ...

The idea of the Seb group is therefore to offer a breakfast set so that people in difficult situations can feel autonomous while preparing their coffee, tea and toast.

These devices were designed by the Seb Group design teams, APF managers and a panel of around thirty people with disabilities, representative of different age groups, specific needs and lifestyles. The latter thus explained their needs according to their various difficulties, participated in co-creation workshops, but also tested the prototypes.


Photo de Kim Hembold
We have defined three axes to measure during the tests, the following criteria: the grip of the products in order to study how the person can take them, their handling and therefore their functionality but also the readability linked in particular to the title and the contrast of the graphics on each product. The weight was also a criterion for ease of use. The Design team also did a lot of work on the pictograms but also the packaging of the products, with among other details a handle associated with the packaging.
Design Director


Develop a range of Inclusive-design products